The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) is a not-for-profit, member-driven organization focused on global information protection. The cost of training includes a complimentary IAPP membership offering access to an expansive professional community, plus a wealth of privacy information and resources, including exclusive content and
tools, expert analysis, legislative alerts and original reporting.

CIPP (Certified Information Privacy Professional)
Global standard for understanding privacy laws, regulations and frameworks (more…)  

CIPM (Certified Information Privacy Manager)
Learn how to build, maintain and manage a comprehensive data protection program (more…)

CIPT (Certified Information Privacy Technologist)
Develop the skills to secure data at all stages of IT product and service lifecycles  (more…)

Why organizations should
implement training

Comply with GDPR requirements (regulation takes
effect May 25, 2018)
Avoid penalties up to 20 million euros
(25 million USD) or 4% of global revenues
Improve the way your entire organization
handles data
Reduce risk of a data breach
Build privacy policies to make your organization
more cost-effective
Demonstrate accountability and
due diligence
• Foster customer confidence

Conversation starter questions

Is your organization prepared to comply
with GDPR?
• What role does privacy play in
your organization?
• How would you define your organization’s the
privacy structure?
• Where do privacy concerns come from?
(CXO, Compliance, Legal, Technology)
• What are your organization’s goals for privacy?
(differentiator, avoid risk, build trust)
• What steps have you taken to ensure data is
protected and remains private?
• What are you doing to avoid risk?
• What’s at risk if you don’t train employees
in privacy?  

Potential Privacy Purchasers/Titles:

Risk Management/Compliance/Audit
Database Administration
Network Operations Center (NOC)
Security Operations Center (SOC)
Human Resources
Sales and Marketing
Executive Office

What are the key reasons training and education is important: 

Deepen knowledge of privacy requirements,
including GDPR
Build your understanding of data
protection laws
Learn to operationalize privacy laws and regulations
Demonstrate your mastery of privacy issues and
ensure compliance
Develop skills necessary for leading an
organization’s data protection efforts